Bowling 10-Pin

All competition dates and venues subject to change

All medals must be collected during the Games.
The NHSG will not mail medals after the Games.

Tournament Director:  Glenn Graham

Phone: 978-204-8445




Singles, Doubles and Mixed-Doubles


Three game sets for each event. You can sign up for all three events.

Venue:  Yankee Lanes Manchester

Address:  216 Maple St, Manchester NH 03103

Phone:  603-625-9656

Website:  Click here

Google Map:  Click here


Fee: $40

Registration Deadline (to receive shirt with "Bowling" on the sleeve):  August 16th 2025

Same day registration allowed, using computer provided at venue for online registration and card payment only. No cash or check.

Dates of Event:  Saturday, August 23rd and Sunday, August 24th 2025

Saturday, August 23rd:  Check-In 12:00 pm, Start Time 1:00 pm - Singles

Sunday, August 24th:  Check-In 12:00 pm, Start Time 1:00 pm - Doubles and Mixed Doubles

Practice Time:  Before competition starts.

Format:  Format is three strings of scratch bowling, for each event.

Adaptive Sport:  Disabled athletes are welcome.



Rules of the host bowling alley shall be followed at all times.

Bowling - Ten-Pin will be conducted with the United States Bowling Congress (USBC) rules.

USBC rules apply unless superceded by the following NSGA Rules.

NSGA Rule Book

NSGA Qualification Requirements (in qualifying years):

  1. All first, second, third, and fourth place winners at the NHSG qualifying games will qualify for the following year's National Senior Games.
  2. Athletes must qualify in each Bowling - Ten-Pin event (singles, doubles, mixed doubles) in which they wish to compete at the National Senior Games, except when Rule E applies.
  3. National Senior Games minimum age to compete in any sport is 50yrs by Dec 31st of the year qualifying. 


NHSG Entry Requirements (in any year):

  1. Competitors must be at least 40 years by the end of this calendar year.
  2. Competitors are encouraged to bring their own balls and shoes.
  3. House balls and shoes are available at no charge.

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